University College London

Prof Robert Palgrave

WP 2

I completed my PhD (2007) at the Department of Chemistry, University College London on chemical vapour deposition of gold nanoparticle thin films. I then did postdoctoral work at the University of Oxford, working on molecular beam epitaxy and photoemission spectroscopy, and later at the University of Liverpool working on pulsed laser deposition.

In 2012 I was appointed Lecturer at UCL Chemistry and was promoted to Reader (2017) and Professor (2019). My group’s research is on solid-state materials chemistry, with a focus on materials with applications in renewable energy generation and storage.

I am Co-Director of the EPSRC National XPS Facility, HarwellXPS, a service providing access to XPS instrumentation and training for UK scientists.

I am chair of UCL Chemistry’s outreach committee and work with a number of charities to encourage wider participation in higher education, including The Institute for Research in Schools, The Tutorfair Foundation and Generating Genius. I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.