The Advanced Characterization Platform (ACP) is a toolbox of cutting-edge capabilities, which NEXGENNA brings to bear on research challenges. The ACP includes state-of-the-art instrumentation supported by world-leading experts in battery characterisation. To get a better understanding of real-life batteries, the ACP emphasises in-situ and operando capabilities.
The ACP is supported by the NEXGENNA ULab page, where you can search our facilities and find out who to contact. Its aims are to:
- To connect experts.
- To raise awareness of facilities, equipment, and expertise.
- To ease collaboration.
- To lower barriers to accessing facilities.
- To spread best practice.
ULab is a web-based laboratory and equipment management system. It enables facilities to catalogue their key laboratory equipment. ULab operates from the University of Strathclyde, in Glasgow.
ULab organises equipment by Institution > Facility > Lab > Equipment. NEXGENNA is a cross institutional facility with equipment located across the UK.
If you are a NEXGENNA researcher, you can learn more about ULab on our Adding to ULab page.